If you are debating purchasing a home right now, you are probably getting a lot of advice. Though your friends and family will have your best interests at heart, they may not be fully aware of your needs and what is currently happening in the real estate market. Ask yourself the following 3 questions to […]
Read MoreAs the 2017-18 school year kicks off, parents and students heading to their first day of school can see how their school district stacks up against others in the state as Niche.com has released its annual rankings of best schools and school districts in the state. Three Village come in at No. 48 in New […]
Read MoreNational and County-wide news sources are slow and do not accurately represent what is happening in our local market. It’s important to stay informed about conditions impacting your local neighborhood! Below is a report of Lattingtown, Long Island NY. I hope you find it useful. These market reports are updated weekly so you can be “ahead […]
Read MoreFarmer’s markets are the perfect opportunity to get local fresh food right from the field to your dining room table. Farmer’s markets are spread all across Long Island almost every day of the week. Here is our list of farmer’s markets on the island. Babylon: LIRR Parking Lot, North Carll Avenue. Sundays 8 a.m.-1 p.m. […]
Read MoreHomeowners have made inroads in building equity back up since the crash, with mortgages more evenly leveraged as values recover. One group, however, is struggling more than others to claw its way back. Gen X homeowners—those aged 35 to 50—wound up seeing the worst effects of the downturn, and though they have begun to recoup equity, they are […]
Read MoreOPEN HOUSE Sunday August 6th from 2-4 pm Hosted by Eirini Lampiri-Haralambidis 631-504-7244 1968 Knollwood Road Muttontown, NY 11791 https://www.facebook.com/GoldCoastLuxuryLI/videos/1623148294393924/
Read MoreLong Island is home to two cities, more than a dozen towns, and a vast network of dozens upon dozens of villages and hamlets stretching from the Queens border in the west to Montauk Point in the east, sandwiched between the North Shore’s Long Island Sound and South Shore’s barrier beaches—all within Nassau and Suffolk […]
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